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Business Jun 07
By Key2Success Team 0 Comments

For an online business, your website is everything. That’s why the way your website is seen should be one of your top priorities. People need to know you’re a good business to shop with, and that clicking through to your content means they’ll have a good experience. 


But while responsive design is the first thing to focus on to enhance your website’s reputation, it’s not the only thing. There’s at least four other factors involved. 


So now’s the time to work on your website’s external perception. A good website reputation means better visibility online, better reviews, and a higher search engine ranking. If you want to take your small business to the next level, curate the four elements down below.  


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Respond to Your Customers


Responding to your customers does wonders for your reputation, simply because you’re being proactive about what they’re thinking. It’s a sign you care, and that you’re in business for the right reasons. 


This is especially true when it comes to negative comments and reviews. Don’t ignore the bad stuff – take it into account and open up a conversation. When you invite someone to share their full views, no matter how harsh their words might be, you give yourself a second chance to leave a good impression. 


All the best websites in the world use this strategy to push themselves ahead of the competition. A responsive outreach program puts the customer first, and signals to Google that you’re ready and willing to deliver an exceptional service.  


Take Payments in Multiple Ways


Customers want to see freedom in their checkout experience. A website that takes more than one payment type fits into that. After all, if more than one vendor is willing to work with you, your product is legitimate and their details will be safe when passed through your database. Even increasing your payment gateways by one will foster that feeling of safety by tenfold. 


Of course, this method can be difficult for companies considered ‘high risk’. These are usually those with a short processing history, low credit, or selling products that could end in bankruptcy if a chargeback is filed. 


But don’t worry –  you can still use multiple payment gateways. All you need is a reliable payment processor to link them to. The same issue tends to apply to products that only a small portion of the market will be interested in, such as CBD. Specifically, you can try this CBD payment processor if you’re in this industry and want to increase your website’s visibility. 


The more payment options available through your site, the more secure your customers are going to feel. So even if you think you’ve exhausted your options, keep looking around. With a bit of research, no matter the product you’re selling, you can find a couple options that’ll work for you. 


Encourage and Share User Generated Content


If your customers are sharing content about your products, share that to your own socials too! Not only does this prove you’re paying attention to your name in the online sphere, but it also shows your loyal customers that you’re interested in who they are and why they came to you. 


If you want more user generated content, encourage your customers to share their images with you, and to tag you in them when they’re posted. Doing so will help your social feed to become much more interesting; the more you include your customer base, the more receptive your followers will be to what you have to say. 


Reward Loyalty


Loyal customers should have an edge over the rest of your customer base. This works on two fronts, by ensuring that your repeat customers come back time and time again, and it then encourages other customers to become loyal patrons in turn. 


To capitalize on these benefits, run a loyalty program that’s exclusive to the few. Exclusive offers and discounts, exclusive newsletter direct to their inbox, and access to new products and promotions before anyone else. When someone buys from you more than once, they more than prove they’re willing to keep up with these developments. And if potential customers hear about a very indulgent rewards program, they’ll be excited to visit!


If you want to improve your website’s reputation, start with the four points above. A good website values its customer and what they think, but the best websites understand what their customers want, and more importantly, what they expect. Focus on this and put yourself ahead of the game!

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