Key2Success Payment Plans Now Available Through Affirm
Key2Success Payment Plans Are Now Available Through Affirm At Key2Success, we understand that investing in a high-quality digital planner is a commitment to your productivity
The Key2Success Digital Planner System is designed for those that want a notebook, a planner, a goal setter, and more life tools on their person wherever they go! The 2023 version contains several new and improved features.
The Key2Success Digital Planner designed for OneNote works with all devices, such as Windows Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, and Apple products like the iPad, and computers. And for those mobile users, download OneNote from the app store and connect your planner in the palm of your hand. Write or type on your digital planner.
As digital planning continues to take hold and mobile computing becomes more interwoven into our daily lives, the 2023 Key2Success Planner releasing July 2022 aims to build on your strengths and increase your productivity.
The 2023 KeySuccess Planner comes in 4 Versions:
• Key2Success Personal
• Key2Success Personal Pro
• Key2Success Business
• Key2Success Business Executive
Along with bold layout changes, the 2023 Key2Success Planner will introduce new tools for professional and business development.
New in 2023:
Professional Planner
○ Bucket list
○ Health Tracker – Even with all the health tracking technology available, the Key2Success Health Tracker will bring you increased awareness
Business Planner
○ Boulder Breakdown – designed to outline the life moment you aim to achieve.
○ Strength Maximizer
○ Process Adaption Monitor
Executive Planner
○ Team Management
○ Employee Development Tools
○ Seat Assignments
○ Access to Monthly Tools
For Teams
○ Team Training Sessions
○ Complete Access to Professional & Business Development Tools
Watch this video to learn about the executive planner and the future for the Key2Success Planning system. Discover the new features in 2022 and how these features will expand your ability to plan for 2023 and beyond in this video interview.
*See screenshots of individual pages below product listings. Pricing may vary by application
Over the last year our community has grown to over 1,000 professionals. Individuals who have had a tradition of using planners like Franklin, DayRunner and Full Focus, have discovered the advantages of having a paper-like planner digitally with you wherever you go. No more endless binders and notebooks to add to your carry-on or bag.
This exclusive KEY2SUCCESS™ Planner has been designed as a OneNote planner that can be used on any device on which the OneNote app is installed. This includes Windows, Android and Apple users. This digital planner is not a physical notebook, rather a downloadable file that will ONLY work in OneNote. OneNote is available for Free Download on Windows, Apple and Android devices. A free version is available from Microsoft for desktop users. A subscription to Microsoft Office unlocks a pro version.
Digital Planning has never been easier with the help of pdf annotation apps like GoodNotes, Noteshelf, Notability, Xodo and many others. PDF annotation apps allow for users to import interactive pdf files into the note-taking app of their choice.
When designing the Key2Success Digital Planner for annotation apps, we took into account all the benefits of creating an interactive pdf digital planner. Each page of the digital planner contains hyperlinks that increase user experience and allows for you to navigate through the year with ease.
Digital Planning has never been easier with the help of pdf annotation apps like GoodNotes, Noteshelf, Notability, Xodo and many others. PDF annotation apps allow for users to import interactive pdf files into the note-taking app of their choice.
When designing the Key2Success Digital Planner for annotation apps, we took into account all the benefits of creating an interactive pdf digital planner. Each page of the digital planner contains hyperlinks that increase user experience and allows for you to navigate through the year with ease.
(Some Layouts will be updated for 2023 – New Design Expected
Key2Success™ daily planner pages are designed to keep you focused on the action steps that will drive your success.
Unlocking the Key2Success™ starts each day with determining where you will dedicate most of your attention. This is commonly a project, developing a habit, building a relationship, or self-improvement.
The next key is indicating the 3 most important assignments that will drive home your goals – we call these the Key3™.
The Key2Success™ daily page provides you with a task list, a timeline of your day, note section, important calls, and opportunities. We will uncover how to make the most out of this page through our membership channel. So make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and Youtube page.
Key2Success™ Weekly Plan page has been created as a tool to develop your week.
As you wind down each week and set your agenda for the upcoming week, the Key2Success™ Weekly Plan page is there to remind you of your accomplishments, review the business that is unfinished, and make adjustments to your time management.
Utilizing this tool each week will drive your success. Focusing on work, relationships, and yourself, while scheduling your week around the Key3™, will lift your weekly results.
Starting with the big events in your year, the key developments in your week, to focusing on what matters most each day, the Bodendorfer Key2Success™ planner has been developed to serve as a funnel for your planning.
Branden Bodendorfer himself uses this planner daily and will coach you through the year on how he manages it all.
Key2Success™ Goal Planner page is your blueprint to success.
We all have dreams and we can reach them! Setting goals is an essential step in reaching your dreams and setting new heights.
The cornerstone for success is having continued focus on your goals and maintaining a priority is key to unlocking your potential. Motivation will drive you. These components are embedded in the Key2Success™ Planner.
Your Ideal Week starts by determining what is going to matter most this week. What is going to take up most of your attention? Then follows the Vision Board, which is a freestyle brainstorming space to write down what you want your week to look like. Think of it as a means of enabling a habit in your life. Write down what you want brought to the surface this week.
Quarterly Keys pages are there to help you measure your progress in key areas throughout the year, sketch your success, and develop a timeline to help maintain your focus on your goals.
The Key2Success Digital Planner Professional Builder section provides the staple for you as a professional to set goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Whether you want to help grow your career or expand your organization, this is the tool that we wanted to roll out to the community to help set priorities and absolute goals.
This one page is designed to change how you look at digital planning and planning in your career. Frame up your vision, understand challenges, and determine what is most important. Answer the key question: What do we have to achieve before we reach the next level? LEARN MORE
When I, Branden Bodendorfer, put together the Key2Success Digital Planner, I wanted a way to organize my vision and plan my year. I wanted the ability to sit down with my digital planner on the Surface Pro or iPad, open an application like, OneNote or GoodNotes, and plan effectively. In the 2021 Key2Success Digital Planning System, the Vision Board is one of my favorite pages as it is designed to help you outline your entire year. This helps direct your goals and actions throughout the rest of the planner.
The Annual Keys page in the Key2Success Digital Planner is designed to help kickstart your digital planning year in the best way possible – by providing you a space to outline your goals for the year.
There are four development areas included in the Annual Keys: Self, Relationships, Career, and Community. Each section contains a goal area for you to add your goal statement and the motivation behind it. Understanding why you have a goal is important because it will help you stay focused on your goal. Keep in mind that these four areas are interconnected (which I’ll explain more about below).
Key2Success Payment Plans Are Now Available Through Affirm At Key2Success, we understand that investing in a high-quality digital planner is a commitment to your productivity
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