Uncategorized Jul 07
By Branden 0 Comments


Check out our new series, designed to feature the incredible people that use the Key2Success Planner! In this third feature, meet Thomas Chapman, a process engineer. Learn why he has enjoyed the Key2Success Planner and recommends it to others.

Who: Thomas Chapman, Process Engineer
Devices Used:  iPad Pro, iPhone 7, Windows work computer

Bundle Sales Event

Thomas has been using the Key2Success Planner since January, and appreciates the ability to search typed and handwritten entries. He also enjoys the ability to embed photos into notes.

He was a longtime user of the Franklin Covey planner and made the switch to a digital planner this year because in the past he always had trouble finding subjects and had to thumb through page after page to find notes.

“It has helped me stay much more organized and on track with my goals and completing tasks,” he said. “Using it with OneNote, it is always accessible on all devices wherever I am or whatever I am doing.”

As a project engineer for automotive injection molding, Thomas enjoys the ability to use the digital planner to help his workflow.

“I really like the ability to switch between handwritten and typed notes, plus adding pictures or taking camera pics,” he said. “I use my iPad at the machine I am working on and take pictures of the machine screens so I can go back to my desk and update written process sheets.”

Bundle Sales Event

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