get started with digital planning
Planner Jul 23
By Branden 0 Comments

David Smeltzer first began using the Key2Success digital planner this year and describes finding digital planning as a life-changing experience. A lifelong planner, David has historically used paper planners like Franklin Covey. However, after a rare neurological disease called ODDD caused his hands to become too shaky to write, he found himself unable to use a paper planner.

“About two years ago, because of my ODDD, my hands no longer were stable enough to make my planning writing legible. My life then became disorganized and unstable,” he said. “With finding the Key2Success Planner, my life started to be organized and planned again, and it has made such a difference.”

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David works full time as a distributor for USANA, a company developing and selling science-based nutritional products. He uses the Key2Success Digital Planner on his desktop computer and his portable devices, enjoying that he can type or speak-in his planning and it gets done when his shaking hands don’t allow him to write.

“I like the planner because it allows me to speak or type my planning and it’s legible and I know what I’m going to do for a day,” he said. “I’m planning again for my business and my personal life. I’m outlining projects which I want to complete. It has given me purpose again in my life.”

David had used a Franklin Covey planner and a Day-Timer planner for 25 years before making the transition to digital.

“The Key2Success planner has compared extraordinarily well to my Franklin Covey and Day-Timers, however the K2S planner has given me more creative ability to write notes, plan out different plans, and create my ideas,” he said.

Key2Success digital planning not only meets David’s original goal of planning like he used to with a paper planner, it also includes expanded features he enjoys.

“The different parts of the planner have given me better ability to plan to organize, and to create a plan for my life,” he said. “I would recommend the digital planning because of the convenience, the many faceted ways to creatively think and plan, and for me, to be able to put those ideas down legibly.”

“Now that I can plan again, because I can either type or speak my planning ideas and to-do list, my life has become ordered and planned again,” he added. “I love how this planner has changed my life. It has allowed me more creativity, and allowed me to think out loud and have my ideas in print.”

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