favorite digital planner
Articles / News / vLog Aug 03
By Branden 0 Comments


Check out this special series designed to feature the incredible people that use the Key2Success Planner! In this next feature, meet Scott Nelson, Supervisor for the Resort Airline Check-In Service at the Walt Disney World Resort. Learn why he has enjoyed the Key2Success Planner.

Who: Scott Nelson, Supervisor for the Resort Airline Check-In Service at the Walt Disney World Resort
Devices Used: One Note on iPad Pro 11”, MacBook Pro and iPhone XS

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Scott started using the Key2Success Planner in January, making the transition to digital planning from the popular paper-based Franklin Covey Planner.

“Having been a Franklin Planner user since the 90’s, this was the best alternative that I have come upon in order to go digital,” said Scott, who has also tried multiple other planners, including: DatRunner, DayTimer and Franklin Planner on paper.  Digitally, he has tried Plan Plus online, Plan Plus for Outlook, Opus Domini and Informant, but settled on Key2Success and hasn’t looked back.

“I have always loved using the paper planners.  I’m the type of guy that remembers things better if I physically write it down,” said Scott. “I wanted to go all digital – let’s face it paper planners are big and bulky – and with the K2S it’s all there on my device whether it be the iPad, iPhone or MacBook.”

Scott like the ability to write on the Key2Success digital planner, and enjoys the convenience of his planner at his fingertips.

“With all my resources on the iPad, I have everything I need – not just the 3-month period that the paper planner held,” he said. “If I need to refer to things it’s there on the iPad.  I can type or handwrite my notes just as if I was using the paper planner.  I can then transfer tasks to a my task manager – Omnifocus and appointments to my calendar – Fantastical.”

He “Absolutely!” recommends the Key2Success Planner to anyone looking to get more organized.

“In today’s digital world, it is the best way to go.  With a planner like K2S, you can write meeting notes as they are happening just like using pen and paper,” he said. “If you want to go paperless, this is the way to go.  Plus, in my opinion, it looks a lot better than trying to type it into the device.  The client or colleagues don’t get the impression you are texting someone.”

Scott is looking forward to the 2021 planner, which will include a meal and fitness section, new quarterly pages, and a team week and Year Vision Board.

“Having worked with the planner since the beginning of the year, I feel more in control of things going on in my life,” he said. “I also feel more organized in that my notes and stuff are not spread all over. I no longer have notes scattered among different apps or even different media like paper, or digital. It’s altogether in one place.”

The Key2Success Digital Planner is constantly developing based on user feedback, and we appreciate Scott’s input and would love to hear your thoughts! E-mail us at [email protected].

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