Podcast Jan 31
By Branden 0 Comments

This coming Tuesday at 6PM Eastern, Branden Bodendorfer will be conducting a one-hour workshop entitled: “The Dynamic Power of Professional Digital Planning”. 

If you are growing a business, this is a learning opportunity you do not want to miss. Members of the Top of Mind Community have access to this and all events past, present and future. This is an opportunity to join us as a guest, learn from this brilliant strategist and experience the value the Top of Mind Community brings to our members month after month. 

Bundle Sales Event

Here’s an interview Marty did with Branden two weeks ago. In about 20 minutes, you will begin to recognize the insight Branden brings to the table and why you should attend. Here’s the registration link: Share it with fellow business owners you value as friends and associates. They will thank you. 

Bundle Sales Event

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